
Jonathan_Huang avatar image
Jonathan_Huang asked Jonathan_Huang commented

Processer 's process time and Output port

Hi everyone

I have one question

In my attachement.


I want to

1. Flow items from Queue1 will only come to Queue3. And Flow items from Queue 2 will only come to Queue 4.

2. Flow items from Queue1 when pass through the 3 of processor will be processed with the process time in Col 1. And Flow items from Queue2 when pass through the 3 of processor will be processed with the process time in Col 2

in Global table


Processor time and Output port.fsm

Please help me

Thanks and best regrads

FlexSim 23.1.2
send to portprocessortime
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Jonathan_Huang avatar image Jonathan_Huang commented ·
Hi Mr @Felix Möhlmann Can you please help me with this issues?

Thank you so much!

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1 Answer

Dhakshna avatar image
Dhakshna answered Jonathan_Huang commented

Hi @Jonathan_Huang, In the workflow, when creating entities from two distinct sources, ensure that Type labels with values 1 and 2 are added. In Processor1, configure the input property to utilize a round-robin pull strategy. During processing, prioritize values based on the case. Assign table cell references to all processors according to the type. Finally, for Processor3, define the output property using an expression.



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Jonathan_Huang avatar image Jonathan_Huang commented ·
Dear Mr @Dhakshna

Thank you so much!

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