
flexsimuser0801 avatar image
flexsimuser0801 asked Steven Hamoen answered

Performance indicators kiva system (AGV)

flexsim-2023-kiva-system-demo (1).fsmHello, I am using a modified version of the KIVA model with an AGV network as discussed by Anthony Johnson. I would like to get following performance indicators per shuttle:

  • cycle time (time when leaving pick station until being back at pick station)
  • AGV utilization
  • (blocking time (per cycle))
  • ...

Any ideas how to do this? I am using the same process flow as in the file in attachment.


FlexSim 24.0.0
agvstatisticskiva system
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered

@Flexsimuser0801 for your cycle time take a look at a zone. The zone trackes the staying time of the tokens automatically. Other option would be to use a tracked variable or write the times in a global table. What ever works for you.

For the AGV utilization, look that the state graphs of the AGV's

The blocking time should be a state in that state graph

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