
Het avatar image
Het asked Logan Gold commented

Multiflow items on containers handles by ASRS?

ASRS.fsmI was practicing on ASRS tool to handle types of "Box" through source and route to the Racks using ASRS, and retrieve back to the sink. I copied that model and add combiner to generate three types of pallets that handles unique TypeA,B,C box respectively. But not how I can build that logic in Model, and transfer to the assign rack based on painted slot by pallet type/box type.


FlexSim 24.0.3
asrs.fsm (88.2 KiB)
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Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Het, was Jeanette F's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Hello @Het,

You assigned the pallets a different label than Type and DP and Racks use the Type label to assign slots and send the pallets to locations. You just needed to update the objects to this new label name and then the system sorts.


asrs-1.fsm (87.5 KiB)
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Het avatar image Het commented ·

Thanks Jean for mentioning that and providing me updated model. My objective is combine unique type at combiner by color and stored to assigned racks by painted slot.

Finished_plallet 1 : Red Box, 8 Qty Finished_plallet 2 : Green Box, 8 Qty

Finished_plallet 3 : Blue Box, 8 Qty.


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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Het commented ·

You can edit the combiners "Pull Requirement" to only stack items of the same type on one pallet (Activate "Pull" in the Output tab and edit the Pull Requirement below). In the attached model the first item received through port 2 can be any type, but any subsequent item must have the same type as the first.

For this to work the items must enter an intermediate storage after the source though. Otherwise the source would be blocked as soon as an item is not pulled by the combiner.


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asrs-fm.fsm (87.8 KiB)
Het avatar image Het Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Appreciate Felix. I saw pull requirement custom code. I learned something new today. Is there a guidebook to learn these custom codes. I am really interested to learn more on these.

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