
David Chan avatar image
David Chan asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Separator Statistics: Dashboard Vs Statistics (Properties)

Hi There is some discrepancies between the dashboard number and the throughput number (Object properties). I have 6 empty pallets at the container queue and 24 boxes at the item queue. The dashboard shows 6 but the throughput says 30.


Is this a bug?


FlexSim 24.1.0
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Hard to say if bug or oversight.

The Statistics Collector of the output chart only counts the exit of items that were previously registered as having entered the separator. While the unpacked items do technicall enter the separator, the On Entry event is not fired for them, so the Statistics Collector does not have a record of them and ignores their exit.

If the event not firing is a bug, then the collector getting the wrong values is also a bug. If it's intended, then I'd call it an oversight.

Attached is an example with a collector that tracks every exit.


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