
LaurenK avatar image
LaurenK asked LaurenK commented

Assign Order Number to flow item from Global Table

Hi Team,

I'm looking to add a label and color to orders coming from my source model. From the source, I mapped to the Order Position Table. Ideally I'd like to label the items going down from column 6, then moving from row 1 to row 2 etc all while staying in column six. It seems when I attempt to apply a label, it will only apply to column 6 row 1 then repeat instead of moving down within the column.


Snip is from triggers then On creation -- looks like its under groups in my screenshot but it isn't!

Is there a simple way to fix this that I am overlooking?


FlexSim 24.1.0
global tableflow item
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered LaurenK commented

You can replace the row number with a value that changes.

Attached is an example that increments a label on the source and uses that to read from a table.


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LaurenK avatar image LaurenK commented ·

Hi Jason,

I followed the logic you sent and think I'm still missing something. The label doesn't appear on the flow item coming from my source. I know my model has a few errors in the console, so I'm just trying to figure out where to start first.


cb-model-3 (1).fsm

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Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ LaurenK commented ·
@LaurenK, the triggers in Source1 are using different capitalizations when referencing the NumCreated label. The label is initially created as NumCreated, but then it is referenced as current.numCreated later on. You just need to make sure all references to the label are using the capitilzation.

The other errors in the console are unrelated, so if you need help with those, please let us know more about what you're trying to accomplish in the ProcessFlow (where the exceptions are coming from).
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LaurenK avatar image LaurenK Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Got it! I was able to assign the labels to the tote coming out of the source. For now, I have the tote coming down the conveyor, and the label is the "Item Short Number" from the "Totes by Order" global Table.

Is there a way I can fill the tote on creation with the number of boxes that correlates to the SO Number on the "Totes by Order" tab?

So for example, the third tote populated by the source would be labeled 15914238, then contain 3 boxes in it, each having an SO Number of 13662519, 13685448, 13662561, 13685519, 13685247 and 13662653 respectively? The number of boxes per SO number may change. So in Tote 15914238, there will be a total of 8 boxes, 2 in labeled 13685519, and 13662653 then the remainder have 1 carton per the global table.


Does that make sense?


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