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Pierpaolo asked

Dynamic speed regulation and Digital Twin

Hello everyone,

It's the first time I'm using flexsim and despite I'm watching several tutorials on it, I have some difficulties in developing a model able to gather real-time data about current and voltage.

I wish to develop a digital twin to monitor power consumption, hence I need the data about current and voltage, of a cobot processing items in real time. Furthermore, the cobot will regulate its speed, based on the variable interarrival time, which will follow an exponential distribution.

Thus, I want to set a condition-based process time for the cobot of this type:

If interarrivaltime<threshold1, it means processtime1

If threshold1<interarrivaltime<threshold2, it means processtime2

If interarrivaltime>threshold3, it means processtime3

Summing up, I would need a model able to collect real-time data about current and voltage on an excel sheet with a 1 second resolution, and simultaneously regulate the processing speed of the cobot in realtime.

The excel sheet should be organized in column as follow:

First column, time

Second column, current

Third column, voltage

Can someone please help me?

It would be super appreciated.

Thanks in advance

FlexSim 24.2.1
speeddigital twinpower consumption
5 |100000

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