
Sesha gopalan ravi kumar avatar image
Sesha gopalan ravi kumar asked Sesha gopalan ravi kumar commented

how to create a flow for flow items between two fixed resource without operator ie wher is the option in the flexsim software

FlexSim 16.1.1
flowitem routing
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Adarsh Jeyes avatar image
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Adarsh Jeyes answered Sesha gopalan ravi kumar commented

Hi Sesha gopalan ravi kumar,

Not sure if I understand your question. It would be helpful if you can elaborately explain what it is that you want done. Attaching a sample model will also help.

If you want to create a flow (connection) between two fixed resources such that flow items can flow from one to the other, just connect the two resources by holding down the 'A' key and clicking the first FR (from which the item should flow) and then the second FR (to which the item should flow). If you do not want an operator, don't use one/don't connect/uncheck "Use Operator".

Also, if this answers your query, I'd advise you to go through the FlexSim User Manual and do the tutorials.

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Sesha gopalan ravi kumar avatar image Sesha gopalan ravi kumar commented ·

Flow nodes are fi xed resources that can act in a way that’s similar to a very simple accumulating conveyor. Flowitems move along the output connections of a fl ow node but with no visible piece of physical equipment. The speed at which the fl owitems move can be set, as well as the maximum content on the fl ow path. If the output of a fl ow node is blocked, fl owitems accumulate at the end of the output connection path. Flow node connections are made in the same way as connections between other fi xed resources—in the direction of fl ow holding the A key down

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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Sesha gopalan ravi kumar commented

This is the standard in Flexsim. If you connect a source to a queue, reset the model and run you will see the items appear in the queue. Please follow the tutorials in the helpfile, they explain the basic steps.

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Sesha gopalan ravi kumar avatar image Sesha gopalan ravi kumar commented ·

Flow nodes are fi xed resources that can act in a way that’s similar to a very simple accumulating conveyor. Flowitems move along the output connections of a fl ow node but with no visible piece of physical equipment. The speed at which the fl owitems move can be set, as well as the maximum content on the fl ow path. If the output of a fl ow node is blocked, fl owitems accumulate at the end of the output connection path. Flow node connections are made in the same way as connections between other fi xed resources—in the direction of fl ow holding the A key down

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