
Bartosz Wierzba avatar image
Bartosz Wierzba asked Sam Stubbs commented

Item shape changing in the middle of a tasksequence.

Hi. I try to change an item shape in the middle of a tasksequence (robot is loading and unloading an item a couple of times). If i use a "custom code" or even "change visual" functions, the shape is changed on the very begining of the tasksequence and not, where I had put the function.

FlexSim 16.1.2
task sequence
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Sam Stubbs commented

You can send a delayed message out of the tasksequence to any object in you model and change the specified shape at an object you like in the OnMessage Trigger of the receiving object. Any other method would require to execute a node in the model, which you call from the active tasksequence by a task (TASKTYPE_NODEFUNCTION).

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Bartosz Wierzba avatar image Bartosz Wierzba commented ·

Thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately when I try to trigger a shape change by a message I always get a warning:

time: 33.259892 exception: Exception caught in flexscript execution of MODEL:/Shape17>variables/messagetrigger line 19 instruction 27. Discontinuing execution.

time: 33.259892 exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::callMemberFunction() flexscript execution MODEL:/Shape17>variables/messagetrigger c: /Shape17>variables/messagetrigger theclass: /Shape17>variables/messagetrigger

The problem with nodefunctions is I guess that I'm using a free version and I don't have an access to the tree view. Is it possible to get it done by nodefunctions in a free version of FlexSim? Also I'm uploading a photo of my model. I want a shape change to happen on the flat round object under the item after unloading it and before loading it again.

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