
Dash Ballarta avatar image
Dash Ballarta asked Dash Ballarta answered

Profile Task Sequence Error

mskterp.fsm@Matthew Gillespie

I'm getting an task sequence error for one of my resources (CareC) that involves a "Send Message" activity. However, I cannot find (nor have I nominated) that activity in the patient tracks or global processes. Mind taking a look at my model and troubleshooting?


FlexSim HC 5.0.12
task sequence
mskterp.fsm (6.1 MiB)
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

Patient MSKOPPath (5)_ID2, at time 105, is in ExamTable2 and, if you click on him, you can see that he's doing activity 100_CarePlan twice. At time 105.5, the first activity ends and the patient then gets up and leaves the model. The second activity is still going though, and using CareC_1, and when it ends at time 117, the patient using CareC_1 is gone.

You should figure out why activity 100 is being started twice on this patient.

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Dash Ballarta avatar image
Dash Ballarta answered

I think something got corrupted. I reloaded an older model with minimal changes and I'm not seeing the dual task start error.

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