
Marcello Rosadini avatar image
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Marcello Rosadini asked Marcello Rosadini answered

fbx export. Video like for use with BIM applications

Hi all,

one of our customer is an Engineering/Architecture firm which is heavily into BIM modeling. They are looking for ways to somehow integrate FlexSim simulation into it.

They ideal scenario would be to be able to export/record a segment of the simulation as an .fbx that they can include into their BIM models... as far as I know, this is not possible, but maybe someone has a suggestion?

My proposal so far has been to import 3D structures into FlexSim and then use them as part of the simulation model. We'll do some VR testing today for this purpose, but their preference would be to do it the other way around, since they have a lot of information in the BIM model.

I'm aware that probably, part of this doesn't make any sense... but the depth of my knowledge on the subject is not enough to give them a categorical answer!


FlexSim 17.1.2
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Phil BoBo avatar image Phil BoBo ♦♦ commented ·

What software are they using for BIM modeling? What other import formats (beyond fbx) does it support?

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Natalia M3 avatar image Natalia M3 commented ·


Hello, could you import the 3D structure of the BIM model to Flexsim? What format did you use?

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Marcello Rosadini avatar image Marcello Rosadini Natalia M3 commented ·

@Natalia M3 Yes, we have made this several times using .wrl or simpl converting to .3ds the structures of interest

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Natalia M3 avatar image Natalia M3 Marcello Rosadini commented ·
Thank you. And could you solve the problem of integrating the simulation of FlexSim in BIM?
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1 Answer

Marcello Rosadini avatar image
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Marcello Rosadini answered

it depends in what do you mean by Integration. What we are usually doing is placing the BIM 3D objects over the FlexSim model so in reallity it is a FlexSim model using BIM as "ambient" if that makes sense

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