
Sebastien avatar image
Sebastien asked Ben Wilson edited

Why does setup state keep being called also the setup time is set to 0 ?


Hi all !

I am trying to do a statistics collector recording the different state of a processor on "State Change". Yet I am surprised to see the setup state coming for each item entering the processor as I set the setup time to 0. Moreover the processor is still processing the other item it received before.

Is there a way to not have this setup coming as it does not happen in the real application ? And why does it do so ?

Best regards,

FlexSim 18.1.0
statistics collector
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Emily Hardy avatar image Emily Hardy ♦ commented ·

Setup time is built into the processor, and it will always call setup time, even when that time is zero. Listening to state changes is not the best way to capture the data you are looking for. Instead, I would recommend creating a dashboard and using the "State Pie" chart to collect usage data.

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Sebastien avatar image Sebastien Emily Hardy ♦ commented ·

Hello Emily,

Thank you for your answer. I am actually trying to calculate the energy consumption of the processor according to the different time for each state. Would it be possible to extract the data from a dashboard in a table"live" during the simulation in order to do the calculation ?

Warm regards,

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1 Answer

Emily Hardy avatar image
1 Like"
Emily Hardy answered Sunny commented

I've attached a model that simulates collecting data on energy consumption. The model uses fixed resource flow that collects data on whatever its connected to. This model collects usage data from 3 different processors but can be linked to more or fewer if necessary.


energyusedemo.fsm (38.8 KiB)
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Sebastien avatar image Sebastien commented ·

Thank you Emily. It works now in my small model.

As I want to try a more complicated model afterwards and with Flexsim Express I won't be able to use too many Fixed Resource. So I managed to find how to extract data from the Status Pie, by installing the template in the advanced options of the State Pie.

Thank you again for your help !

Warm regards,

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Emily Hardy avatar image Emily Hardy ♦ Sebastien commented ·

I'm glad you found a solution! If you do decide to upgrade to the full software, contact your local distributor for more information.

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