
Shivonne K avatar image
Shivonne K asked Joerg Vogel commented

How to make task executor arrange item properly?

I would like to control my task executor to unload the item and arrange it accordingly, but it just goes all the way in the rack and collide with the existing boxes.

I want it to unload at the yellow arrow there but it just goes in. (The white color pallet is my task executor)

This is my model. Thanks for help.


FlexSim 19.0.4
task executer
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

Unfortunately a rack object evaluates the cell of storage in the moment the taskexecuter enters the object.

The attached model changes the arrived tasksequence in the taskexecuter1 in a trigger. The source code evaluates the network node in front of the rack and set this node as the new destination of the 4th task. The 5th task lets travel the taskexecuter to a location at the end of the items in a row or to the first position in the rack. Additionally a 6th task move the item into the rack.

A load trigger places the item on the taskexecuter1.

phase-2-path-jv-adjusted.fsm @Shivonne K the model compensates your problems, because the rack isn't a destination of travel anymore. It stores the items only.

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tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered Joerg Vogel commented

Hi @Shivonne K,

I'm not sure I've ever seen this arrangement in FlexSim before. The design seems to work, though. Well done. As for answering your question about placing the items at the end of the boxes... I'm not sure that it would be very easy to calculate where the box should go. The reason is that the Task Executor is taking the box to the end of the rack where the input port is. There's not an easy way to read how deep the objects go in the rack and then offset the travel location of the Task Executor.

One recommendation I have is updating your FlexSim as version 19.2 has much more capable and modular racks. Besides that, you will probably have to do something like the following:

*Before starting, you'll need a network node at every length of box in the rack...*

1) Using the drop-off location of the Task Executor, identify the number of boxes already in that input port's location. For example, if the drop-off is in a certain bay in V17 and that bay has 5 boxes in it, the number you would want is 5.

2) Using the number of boxes in a location (5 in this example), calculate the distance that those boxes are taking by multiplying the number by the width of one box. This could be 5 boxes X 1.5 width = 7.5.

3) You'll move X distance from the end of the rack and select the closest network node as the location to travel to.

This is very complex and I can't even guarantee it will work, so if it's not necessary that you have fancy visuals, I wouldn't worry about it.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@tanner.p , my attached model does, what you describe. It works! Identifying the network node is the main problem. The coordinates to the last item are the values of the method getLocation. If more items are stored simultaneously by more taskexecuters, then the computing of the last part of the travel should be done by a sub task sequence called from the initial tasksequence.

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