
John H4 avatar image
John H4 asked Jordan Johnson commented

Incorrect Composite Throughput by Time Chart


I tried to use composite throughput by time chart to track number of tasks passed through a group of processors every 30mins.

The top chart shows there are 300+ tasks passed through in last 30mins, and I observe the throughput is stable in last few 30mins interval. However the bottom composite throughput by time chart shows merely 90 tasks completed in first 30mins interval then drops to zero in later intervals.

What's wrong in the composite throughput by time chart?

FlexSim 19.2.0
throughput template
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

Without a model, it is difficult to say. However, it is important to understand that the bar chart simply takes the total throughput and divides that number by the number of intervals. If there is a burst of throughput at the beginning, this value can get fairly large.

The throughput by time chart, on the other hand, totals up the number of throughputs in the previous half hour.

So, with that in mind, there may still be an issue. To debug that and help you further, you will need to post a model.

· 4
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