
Ryosuke S avatar image
Ryosuke S asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Creating Object by clicking button in GUI


I'm quite new to GUI Builder, and I want to create a workpiece

from the Source1 by clicking the button created in GUI Builder.

How to I do that?

Do I code in OnPress?

In that case, how do I code it?

Thank you in advance,



FlexSim 19.0.5
flexscriptsourcegui builder
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Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Ryosuke S commented

Yes, write custom code in the OnPress of the Button.

You can use the insertcopy() command to create flowitems. For an example of how this command can be used, see the "Create Flow Items" pick option in a Queue's On Message trigger:

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Luis Fernando avatar image
Luis Fernando answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Good day @Phil BoBo, I am really interested on this example but with a lot of difficult to perform on FlexSim. Phil, do you have a .fsm example of this object creation with pressing a button/ Send OnMessage to a Queue?

I will appreciate,

Thank you,

Luis V.

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