
Sunny avatar image
Sunny asked api answered

How to acquire the energy cosumption of machine during different state ?

Hello,everyone! I am trying to simulate the power and consumpton of machine based on its states.As you all know, the power is dynamiclly change during different states (such as set up,idle and processing ).The power is not a determined value and could be seen as a distribution function.

I have tried to fitting the distribution function of the machine of different states .When it comes to calculate the energy comsumption,it is vital to get the time duration of different state.

But I have no idea of how to acquire the time duration of the machine in FlexSim.

I have seen that there is a post to caculate the energy consumption made by @Emily Hardy.But her model is based on the determined power value of different states.

In order to simulate the power comsumption well, it is necessary to acquire the time duration of a certain state.

Do you know how to gain the time duration of different state ?

I am looking forward your to your answer!Thank you in advance!

FlexSim 19.1.0
energy consumptionmachine statetime duration
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api answered
Closing outdated question
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Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered

Dear Sunny,

if you want to save yourself the work of implementing that, get in touch with our Italian distributor, FlexCon. They have developed a module for Energy Consumption. @maurizio.giubilato

Good luck


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