
Bing L avatar image
Bing L Suspended asked Jason Lightfoot answered

Reverse conveyor items stuck

hi folks In my model,some thing strange occured when I reverse the conveyors,but reverse.fsmI cannot find the error in my logic. how can i solve the problem? like pic below.

1695788041304.jpg attachment is my model.thank you all

FlexSim 22.0.16
1695788041304.jpg (228.9 KiB)
reverse.fsm (35.3 KiB)
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David Chan avatar image David Chan commented ·
@Bing L What is your problem?
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Bing L avatar image Bing L David Chan commented ·

if you run the model ,you will find it

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Only simple cases (without loops) are technically supported. You can read the guidelines on reversing conveyors in the following sections:

Target Speed

Reversing Conveyor Direction

This is a fairly simple case which may be beneficial to have working so I'll send it to the developers to consider.

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