
Stan Davis avatar image
Stan Davis asked Stan Davis commented

Point Light Source Brightness Falloff Issue

I am doing some testing with point light sources. It is my understanding the intensity is controlled by its luminosity level and there is no intensity falloff. However, it appears there is such a drastic intensity falloff that makes the point light source unusable. Here is an example based on a standard default model but with light sources 2 & 3 deleted and light source 1's luminosity maxed at 240 (attached).

With the z pos at 2...


With the z pos at 8...


Why is there a falloff in intensity?? - Thanks

Point Light Source Falloff Issue.fsm

FlexSim 21.1.5
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered Stan Davis commented

Hello @Stan Davis,

In your model, it actually appears that your light bulb object isn't actually a Light Source in FlexSim, which is probably why it's acting strangely. If you go under the Visual tab in the Library, you can find Light, which has more options that you can adjust (see image): screenshot-2021-09-10-123925.png

The default shape for the light is like a 3D cross, but I changed it to the lightbulb shape. The luminosity that you're referring to is affected by the range and intensity options on the Light Source shown in the above image. I'll attach my modified version of your model for your reference.


I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions!

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Stan Davis avatar image Stan Davis commented ·

Appreciate the response. Just so I understand this correctly, there are 2 ways to implement lights: 1) Visual > Light as you described above & 2) View Style > Light Sources (default) . Why still have the Point Source option in the View Style's Light Source if they don't work? For that matter, why not just have a default Visual > Light configuration setting and remove the Light Sources from the View Style panel entirely? - Thanks

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