
Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton asked Jordan Johnson answered

Request staytime statistics collector for group of multiple resources.

Hello, how do I see the details of the items in a group for request staytime stat? I like the breakdown in the legacy chart but the legacy doesn't show the request staytime, just the resource staytime.

resource group and count.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.4
statistics collectordata
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

It sounds like you want to break down the RequestStaytime statistic on the Resource, but break it down by the value that was acquired (in your case, a member of the cranes group). FlexSim doesn't have this built in, but you can make a Statistics Collector that figures that out:


The main idea of the stats collector is to make one row per request. Each row records how long the request took (the request staytime) and which resource was acquired. Note that rows are added when the request begins, but filled in with data when the request ends. Charts ignore rows with null values in them, so this should work just fine

If you need aggregate stats (such as average request staytime by crane), you can use the Calculated Table; just be sure to GROUP BY the Resource column.

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Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @Kari Payton, I think the chart that you had is the request staytime. I added a second chart to your model that tracks the Resource's staytime in the model and relabeled your chart to be the Acquire activity's staytime (which will measure how long a token waits in the Acquire activity, a.k.a. how long the request waited). You'll notice that at first the Acquire Staytime is very short (because they instantly go through to the delay), but over time the Max and Average of Acquire Staytime start getting huge while Resource Staytime stays relatively short.



1652394497581.png (22.2 KiB)
updated-charts.fsm (38.8 KiB)
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