This is a Flexsim 2016 model. In this model, I want to make:
1. Operator1 in charge of Multiprocessor1 and Processor1.
2. Operator2 in charge of Multiprocessor2 and Processor2.
3. When Operator1 is idle, he will support Operator2. Once the item goes to either Multiprocessor1 or Processor1, he will go back to his work immediately (when he is laoding item to next station, he will finish loading first then go back to his work). Operator2 will finish the rest processing time.
4. When Operator2 is idle, he will support Operator1. Once the item goes to either Multiprocessor2 or Processor2, he will go back to his work immediately (when he is laoding item to next station, he will finish loading first then go back to his work). Operator1 will finish the rest processing time.
(Dispatcher is removable if it is not needed)