
Moisés Cálderon avatar image
Moisés Cálderon asked Kavika F commented

Enable and disable port in flow processes?

Base 1.3.fsm

How can I activate and deactivate a port of the Separator1 machine? I want it to open when there is a client in Queue2 and close when there is nobody.

So if there is no client in Queue2 it must be empty with no product.

I have made some logics and they are not working, what could be happening.

In addition you can add that the customer has a pickup with a uniform distribution of 1 to 10 units (ie at least 1 and at most 10).

Thank you very much for your support


FlexSim 23.0.8
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Kavika F commented

Hey @Moisés Cálderon, I think you're close to getting your desired functionality. I reworked your model a little and I think I got it working how you want it. port-changes-with-condition.fsm

I changed the names of activities to represent their functionality so it's easier to see what's going on at a glance without diving into each activity's properties.


I added a 5th activity block in the top-right that will close Separator1's Input port when the model starts. I then explicitly changed the middle-right activity block to only close the Separator1 Input port when it reaches content of 0. Before it was closing whenever there was a change, so it was firing even when you were increasing to a content of 1. I think everything else works as intended. You can try out the model I posted above to see.

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Moisés Cálderon avatar image Moisés Cálderon commented ·

Hello Kavika

I have a problem with this logic, I am applying the same but it is not working for me can you help me with it.

I am getting a product in the air, the machine should be closed when there is no customer and therefore it should not process any product. Under it is not fulfilling it

You can look at the image.

Avance Final_UPC_1.fsm1693592961457.png

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Kavika F avatar image Kavika F ♦ Moisés Cálderon commented ·

Hey @Moisés Cálderon, I think I might know what the issue is. Around 650 seconds (model time), "Estaciòn 2" finishes processing a tote of items. Customer #9 is finishing their order, and Customer #10 is about to begin. At 700 seconds, Customer #10 begins receiving their items. A tote gets pulled from Queue4 onto the WaitingQueue, then separated and put through Processor1. Customer #10 finishes their order and leaves; however, the previous totes that were processed are still sitting in Queue4 waiting, and the separator wasn't able to finish their job because Processor1 hasn't finished unloading because there are no more customers to unload to.

Each tote holds the same number of boxes, yet each customer requests a different number of boxes. Each time a customer requests boxes, you need to separate a tote of boxes, which most likely doesn't have the exact amount of boxes a customer needs, and so you get partial totes. Those totes get emptied by the next customer.

If you don't want there to be overflow, then you'd either need customers with requests that match the number of boxes in a tote or fill totes with the amount of boxes requested. There are probably other solutions as well.

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Moisés Cálderon avatar image Moisés Cálderon commented ·

Hello Kavika

I sent you that image so that you can see more clearly the example, my purpose that the quantity requested by the customer that same should be processed; for example the quantities that customers carry has a uniform distribution of 1 to 10 and in that same I want to correlate at the time of preparing the order that come out of the tray. How can I do it, if to check in the process flow has a logic to push the product.

Note: if in the tray I have 8 pieces of product and the customer takes 5, only the 5 are processed and the rest is kept in the tray (so consecutively).

Can you help me with this

*In the following simulation I attach you that the arrival of customers has a distribution of pòison.

Avance Final_UPC_8 Piezas_4 KANBAN.fsm

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Kavika F avatar image Kavika F ♦ Moisés Cálderon commented ·

In using the Separator1, you have a setting to Unpack the Entire Contents of a tote.


This means your totes (which hold 8 product) are sending everything they have to Processor1, thus giving you hanging product. You can either change the Quantity to be however much is being requested by a person, or you can create your own custom logic for separating the product from the totes so you get your desired quantity without having floating product in the Processor.

Here's an example model of how you could accomplish this.



You have a token that check when a person is at the combiner ready for an order. Then you send totes to a Processing Queue instead of a Separator. You handle the separator logic from the queue - sending items to the Processor; moving empty totes away; bringing new totes in. This way you can control when to start/stop sending boxes to the Processor, so no more will hang there.

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