
PuiLing avatar image
PuiLing asked Jeanette F commented

Processing by Batch

how to use setup for batch processing.

My machine needs to process 8 units. And it process 2 at a time.

I have been trying to use process flow to simulate my processor but it does not work.

Batch processing.fsm

FlexSim 23.1.4
batch processing
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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·
Hello @PuiLing,

I don't see two items at a time being processed on anything. What processor is supposed to have 8 items at a time? Are there any other details that are pertinent like that there is supposed to be an operator or crane at certain steps.

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PuiLing avatar image PuiLing Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·
Hi @Jeanette F ,

I Need to process 2 items at a time at the 'washer' processor.

During the process, the crane is suppose to bring the 2 items before the processor could start working. And a operator would be there for the process.
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @PuiLing,

I added a label to the rotor to tell if it has been washed yet or not. If it has the it gets put on a list. The crane looks at this list to pull two items to load and unload in the washer. It will wait till the washer is empty to pull another two items.



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PuiLing avatar image PuiLing commented ·
Hi @Jeanette F,

Instead of pulling 2 items at once, can i pull 1 item at a time? And when the processor has 2 items, it will start processing.

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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ PuiLing commented ·

Then you can accomplish this in the 3D environment.

I center connected the queue and the crane. I changed the processor to a combiner and set it to batch mode. I also added a pull requirement on the combiner to only pull items with the rotor label set to 1.


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