
Jenson avatar image
Jenson asked Paula LG answered

Operator stay at the processor and wait for the product to be done

FLexsim redo.fsmHi i need help as my operator keep moving after he place the product at the processor, so my qns is how can i make the operator stay at the processor to wait for the process to be done

FlexSim 21.0.10
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1 Answer

Paula LG avatar image
Paula LG answered Jenson commented

Hi Jenson,

The reason why the operator keeps moving after placing the product at the processor is that he already has another task in queue (for example, bringing a product to another processor or collecting some other product after it is processed) and he performs that task first, since it is the next one on the list. To change that, you must determine how that next task is chosen using task priorities and preemption, which can be changed in the processors that generate the tasks and in the operators themselves:


You can also look up all these terms and how they work on the FlexSim User Manual.

I hope it helps!

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