
Santi avatar image
Santi asked Santi commented

Track XY of patients and staff at a time interval

Is there a way to create a statistics collector that collects the XY coordinates of each patient, doctor and nurse in a healthcare simulation, at a given time interval?

For instance every 10 seconds. For an 8-hour simulation, that would be less than 3000 rows of data per person. That's a very manageable size of data for me to analyze.

I already know the number of patients that will be created throughout the span of the simulation.
Ideally, the statistics collector would include a column for each person, which contains the XY coordinates as a string. But it could also be structured differently.

How would I go about defining such a statistics collector?
I don't know how to query the X and Y coordinate values of an agent, nor how to capture the data at given time intervals.

FlexSim 23.2.3
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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered Santi commented

I think you will actually need two stats collectors for this, one for the Staff and one for the Patients.

The Staff one is a little easier to set up. from the '+' menu on a Statistics Collector Event tab, choose "Create an Enumerate Event (on reset)". Click the images to enlarge the settings.


In the Objects pane to the right choose your "Staff" group (or any other group if you only care about the position for certain staff rather than all Staff).

On the Columns tab, I'd create three columns, one for the staff name, one for the X-Axis and Y-Axis locations.


Configure the Staff name column as shown in the image.


Set the X-Axis Column as shown above, the Y-axis column will be the same except for the expression for the value will be data.rowValue.location.y.

When you run with the table shown you should see the X and Y coordinates update in real-time, you don't have to do it on an interval of time if you don't really need to.

The Collector to do the same thing for the Patients is a little trickier. Create a new Collector and choose "Listen to objects by requirement."


Set the options on the tab like this. For the "Event" menu you will need to use the Sampler to grab the On Person Created event from a Create Person Activity. The Requirement, Condition and Row Value will have to be typed in by you.

On the Columns tab, I would again make three columns; PID X-Axis and Y-Axis. The PID column is a column that the other Collectors have to help cross reference between different stats, not required but good for consistency with the built in Collectors. Configure as Below.


The X Axis and Y Axis Columns are the same here as the Staff Collector.

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