My layout is a bit complicated, but I have a process where there are 8 charge control points labeled Chg1-8 (circled in blue). Charge points Chg4-8 are in a line and need to index forward as the AGVs are called for and leave charge point Chg8 to go to control points labeled Load1 and Load2 (circled in red). After being called for AGVs get sent to control points labeled Quad1-5 (circled in green) and drop off the parts that were loaded and return to charge points Chg4-8. Once parts are finished in Quad1-5 AGVs are called for again from charge point Chg8 and sent to the three control points at the top labeled Finish (circled in purple) passing through the center aisle with charge points Chg4-8.
I need the AGVs to park at Chg4-8, wait for a process to call them from Chg8 and index forward in line after the AGV leaves Chg8 and not just continuously circle around.
I've been trying to figure it out with AGV with Basic Parking, but I can't seem to get things to work as intended. When I set all points Chg1-8 as parking points the sim freezes up. I tried setting only Chg 1,2,3, & 8 and Chg point with work forwarding at Chg8 and Chg1, but the sim freezes after only picking up one item. I've attached a version of the sim that works, but has the AGVs just continuously circling the route.
I also tried using a dispatcher instead of the AGV process flow template, also attached. It moves how I want, but I don't know how to incorporate Chg 1-3 as parking spots.