
Osama A6 avatar image
Osama A6 asked Jeanette F commented

Flexsim healthcare to build emergency department during covid-19

I 'm new to Flexsim healthcare and wanted some help to build a simulation model for hospital’s emergency department (ED) to handle both COVID and non-COVID patients. Below is a conceptual breakdown of how to implement this model in FlexSim Healthcare, including patient flow, resource management, and logic for handling both patient types. Simulation Logic for FlexSim Healthcare:

1. Patient Arrival • Use Source objects to generate two types of patient streams:

• COVID Patients

• Non-COVID Patients

Both patient streams will have their own arrival rates defined using Poisson distribution or real-world data (e.g., patient arrival rate per hour). Let's say 20 COVID Patients/hr and 80 Non-COVID Patients/hr

Each stream will feed into different entry points into the ED.

2. Triage Process: After arrival, patients are directed to a Triage Station where they are categorized by severity:

• Critical: 20%

• Severe: 50%

• Mild/Non-urgent: reminder

The triage process will require a nurse resource, and the triage decision can be determined based on probabilities (e.g., 20% critical, 50% severe, 30% mild).

COVID patients are additionally flagged based on their status and directed to specific zones within the hospital (COVID vs non-COVID areas).

3. Queuing and Resource Allocation: After triage, patients join different queues based on their condition:

• COVID Critical Queue

• COVID Non-Critical Queue

• Non-COVID Critical Queue

• Non-COVID Non-Critical Queue

Each queue is processed by available resources such as doctors, nurses, beds, and ICU beds. Use Task Sequences to dynamically allocate these resources.

For COVID patients, assign dedicated staff and resources to avoid cross-contamination.

4. Treatment Areas: Based on triage, patients are routed to appropriate treatment areas:

• COVID Critical patients are sent to ICU beds.

• COVID Non-Critical patients are sent to regular COVID-dedicated wards.

• Non-COVID Critical patients may also need ICU beds or surgery.

• Non-COVID Non-Critical patients are treated in regular ED rooms.

• Treatment times can be modeled using distributions (e.g., Exponential distributions based: keep it 10 minutes).

5. Resource Allocation: I want to create Resource Objects for:

• Doctors

• Nurses

• Beds (Regular and ICU)

• Ventilators

I don't know how to use the Resource Manager in FlexSim Healthcare to manage the allocation of these resources (please help), ensuring that when resources are unavailable, patients queue up and wait. •

For COVID patients, apply a cleaning delay after bed usage or equipment usage to simulate disinfection protocols. 6. Reassessment Loop (Deteriorating Patients) •

I want to include a reassessment process for patients whose conditions may worsen while waiting. This can be achieved through a Time Trigger or Event-triggered Process: • Periodically check if a patient’s condition has worsened and reroute them to a higher priority queue (e.g., from regular COVID beds to ICU

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Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Osama A6,

Thank you for contributing to our community! We couldn't identify a maintained license or subscription linked to your account.

You may need to update your profile information to identify yourself as a license owner or their associate. Check out our article for how to ensure you receive timely support. If you update your profile comment back to let us know - we'll adjust the priority of your post accordingly.

If your current license is expired, please contact your local distributor to renew.

And this request is a bit too broad to get a lot of help with it on this forum. You can try posting more direct questions to receive help on specific things where you are having trouble. Or you may want to explore the consulting services that are available.

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Osama A6 avatar image Osama A6 Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·
I have, but I don't know how to link it to this email.
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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ Osama A6 commented ·
Hello @Osama A6,

You can repost your question and put your license in the license field so we can see that you are licensed (this is only visable to US FlexSim employees), or you can change your email associated with this account(see Logan's comment for more details).

As Logan said, your question is too broad. Please narrow down your question and only post one question on a post. You can also consider our consulting services.

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