
ying.___ avatar image
ying.___ asked ying.___ commented

When a Processor is rotated, how can I fix the flow direction of the Type?

Some machines are placed facing backward in my layout. When they are in their original orientation, the flow direction is correct, but after rotating 180 degrees, the flow direction reverses.


Is there a way to solve this?

FlexSim 24.2.2
item typeflow directionflow direction reverses
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered ying.___ commented

The movement of the item is relative to the processor (in x+ direction).

You can create a custom animation for the processor that moves the item in the opposite direction.

But it's easier to only change the orientation of the shape instead of actually rotating the object, to keep the visuals consistent.


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ying.___ avatar image ying.___ commented ·

I have tried the method you provided, and it solved my problem. Thank you!

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