In my model passenger arrival in to airport and move to check-in-point which is first avaliable , there the passenger are check up by the agent and the passenger will be send to the sink ,passanger arrival to check-in-point may or may not contain luggage if he have luggage is should be send to the queue and from the queue operator will load it on the conveyor which moves to scan machine . the problem here is how to create a luggage flow from the check -in-point to the conveyor when each passenger arrives , NOTE here there is a possible percentage that how much luggage will each person bring (0 -27%,1-52%,2-15%,3-4%,5-2%)this means 27% of passenger will not bring any luggage ,52% of people bring 1 luggage ect , hear i have attached my model for your reference (rockfort-ai-port-model-autosave-1.fsm (Note this is in conjunction with another question found here.)