Flowitems are created in Queue_In23 on sending the message from other queues remotely.
And set to perform batching with 6. When first running, the error message does not happen. Batch perform is also OK.
But after Reset and run, the error is followed;
1) System Console;
time: 13.918134 exception: Exception Caught in Queue::onReceive(treenode item, int port) object: /Queue_In23 time: 13.918134 exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction255__project_library_FixedResource_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnReceive object: /Queue_In23 i: /Queue_In23/Box38 class: /Queue_In23 time: 13.918134 exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::receivemessage() time: 13.918134 exception: FlexScript exception: MODEL:/Queue_In23>variables/messagetrigger
2) Perform batch is invalid.
Please make me know the reason.