
yoni A avatar image
yoni A asked tannerp commented

job shop example, global table and list


I created this job shop example, but I cannot figure out what's wrong with the items not following the global table routing

FlexSim 18.1.1
list pull
job-shop.fsm (25.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

pc neo avatar image
pc neo answered tannerp commented

When the attached model is run, there is an error appearing. This error comes from the expression evaluation in ItemList1, where it expects the flowitem to have the label "row" and "column" on it. The value of "row" and "column" will be used to read a value from global table.

In order for the flow item to flow downstream, the downstream objects need to pull correct items from the ItemList, therefore the pull strategy need to be selective. So, in "Pull Strategy"-> "Query" it needs to have "WHERE fieldName = 'A1'", as example. The A1 must be replaced by the processor name accordingly.

hope this helps,

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