As stated above, I'm struggling on how to create this functionality syntactically. What I am doing is using the load time field in the task executer tab of my robot (the task executer i'm using in this case), and choosing values by case. However, I am stumbling on what my case function should be.
For example, if I had two sources leading into one processor and I wanted source 1 to take 30 seconds to load with the robot onto the processor but I wanted source 2 to take 60 seconds to do the same task, my method would be to go into the load time field, select values by case, and make case 1 30 and case 2 60. However, the case function does not seem to be picking up that I want the '1' and '2' to be referencing that respective center port on the robot. I tried current.centerObjects as the case function but that didn't work. I feel that this must be possible, but just can't work it out.
Help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.