
BING SYUAN L avatar image
BING SYUAN L asked Isaac Litster rolled back

How to achieve Taskexecuter(lift) transfer item to Taskexecuter(AGV)


Hi everyone

I have some question about my project, the task concept is transport the item from

Queue1→Conveyor1 (transported by ASRSvehicle1)

Conveyor1→Queue2 (item transported by lift first and then agv will load item at lift)←how to do that

Queue2→Processor1(without transport)

waitng for Processor1 process finish, it will pull item from Queue1 (I use custom code pullitem to ask the box, but i think it's not a good way in this case, dose anyone have the good idel about that Queue2 asks the box from Queue1).

Hope to get the help, Thank you.

FlexSim 18.2.2
agvpull strategytaskexecuterlift
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

@BING SYUAN L, I recommend you do some tutorials first! If you come to the task logic tutorial and build the model of the tutorial 2 - coordinated tasks tutorial, you get the answer on your own. A lift is an object of the taskexecuter class.

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