
Pedro M3 avatar image
Pedro M3 asked Joseph Gillespie commented

How can i know when each of the truck of this model is in the queue?

final-simulacion-030719.fsmI want to know the time when the truck arrived at ech of the queues and i want to print the time of each truck.

FlexSim 18.2.3
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered Regan Blackett edited

You could put something like this in a Code Snippet in the OnEntry Triggers of any object:

print(item, " EntryTime: ", Model.time);

That will print the name of the object and the time that the trigger happened to the output console. In the print command you can put up to 20 parameters to include in the print out. In the above example a print would look something like this depending which object is doing the printing:

/Estacioncastilla1~4/Product  EntryTime:  507.43
5 |100000

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