
Mike H5 avatar image
Mike H5 asked Matthew Gillespie answered

The RN is going to an unoccupied bed.

FlexSim 20.1.1
flexsim 20.1.1rn going to an empty bed.
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

Patients that go down the left side of your flow acquire two different beds, one from ExamBedGenerals and one from Hallway beds:

Then in the RN Assessment container the RN is sent to patient.Locations[1] which means the last location acquired by the patient.

In this case, the last location acquired by the patient is Bed1 which is not the bed the patient is currently in.

Why are you acquiring two beds per patient? It doesn't look like you use the second bed at all. I would get rid of the Hallway Beds resource and it's corresponding Acquire and Release activities. Alternatively you can change that Walk activity to have the RN walk to the Acquired ExamBedGeneral.

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Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered

This is because your patient has acquired 2 locations, and you are telling the RN to travel to the first one. Change the destination to patient.Locations[2]

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