I realize this model where a Flowitem is moved between two conveyors with different heights through an elevator.
On the elevator I put another conveyor to simulate the entry and exit movements of Flowitem, after the elevator has arrived to destination. I change the direction of this conveyor reversing its velocity.
The realized process specifically follow this logic:
- Just created, the token waits in “pull from List” to pull some flowitem. The flowitem is pushed in the list when arrive on the exit transfer of first conveyor;
- Then the token waits the arrival of the elevator at right heigh;
- The speed of elevator’s conveyor is reset at initial value and then the flowitem is moved in it;
- It is simulated the enter of the flowitem for “move in” delay time and then the conveyor is stopped;
- Then the token waits the arrival of the elevator at right heigh again;
- The speed of elevator’s conveyor is inverted and It is simulated the exit of the flowitem for “move out” delay time;
- The loop repeats.
There are two issues that I point out:
- A graphic issue: when the conveyor inverts velocity, if you click on its ,the position of the transfers change. Should they remain fixed in their initial position?
- A Logic issue: if you first create the exit transfer and then the entry transfer on the conveyor on the elevator, the model it doesn’t work more good. Infact if you find in the tree this link Conveyor>variables/conveyorPoints, it is observed that the two treenode are reversed. In this case the item enters in the entry transfer of conveyor but immediately it enters also in the exit transfer and it goes out of elevators. Is it possible that a model is so sensitive to the order in which the connections are created?
I attached the model in the question