UAB Clinic Master Model CareGivers.fsm
How do I get the companion to go back to his chair in the waiting room after check-in? This occurs in the last activity of the Check-in Activities Set.
UAB Clinic Master Model CareGivers.fsm
How do I get the companion to go back to his chair in the waiting room after check-in? This occurs in the last activity of the Check-in Activities Set.
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If you examine the "Pat Walks to reg" activity you will see when the simulation runs both the patient and companion walk together to the registration desk. The same line of code used to designate the person for that activity can be used in the other walk activities in your simulation where you want the patient and companion to travel together.
@Jeanette F Thanks for the prompt response but I have both Patient and companions going to the registration. My problem is getting the companion back to the reserve chair after registration. You will notice that the last 2 activities in this Activity Set is Patient to Chair and then Companion to Chair. The patient goes back to the "Owned" chair but I haven't figured out how to send the companions back to his "Owned" chair.
@Jeanette F I think I've figured out a solution but I'm not sure.
I put the Location for the companion on the patient.Companions[1].Locations
Then I referred to that location for the Companion to return.
So I'm guessing that I'll have to Release the chair and remove that location When I moved the companion again. Right??
Yes. From running your model, the token that retrieved the chair for the companion needs to also be the one to release it. You could do this by adding a wait for event activity before a release location activity in the Companion to WR container. This would allow you to release the chair when a certain event happens with the patients token. An example would be waiting for the event of the patient releasing their chair.
Yes. From running your model, the token that retrieved the chair for the companion needs to also be the one to release it. You could do this by adding a wait for event activity before a release location activity in the Companion to WR container. This would allow you to release the chair when a certain event happens with the patients token. An example would be waiting for the event of the patient releasing their chair.
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