
Qiana C avatar image
Qiana C asked Begoña Espiñeira edited

How to reference label from schedule source.

I am trying to reference a label decision point on a conveyor. i set the label on an arrival source and have been using item.label and tried token.label but neither seem to work. how would i reference this label?

FlexSim 20.1.0
labelsflexsim 20.1.0arrival schedule
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1 Answer

Begoña Espiñeira avatar image
Begoña Espiñeira answered Begoña Espiñeira edited

Hi @Qiana C

I don't know if I understood you correctly, but I sense that you want something like this:

When you create a label in an arrival source you have to refer to it with the same name that you named it in the arrival times table, in your case it would be "MyLabel1" so you have to refer to it as "item.MyLabel1". I recommend that you change the default name of the label so that it can be perfectly identifiable. In this example I`ve called it Type and gave it a value of 1 or 2 depending on its Type, Type 1 boxes will be sent to queue 1 and Type 2 boxes will be sent to queue 2. To do this routing I've create a trigger on the first Decision Point.

Please if this wasn't what you needed attach a simple model so I can understand you better. I hope it helps you!

prueba.gif (1.5 MiB)
1605167071844.png (79.7 KiB)
1605167160318.png (230.6 KiB)
labelreference.fsm (38.0 KiB)
5 |100000

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