Object current = ownerobject(c); Object item = param(1); /***popup:ValuesByCase:valuestr=Time*/ /**Values By Case*/ int case_val = /** \nCase Function: *//***tag:ValueFunc*//**/current.Scenario/**/; /** \nCases:\n*/ switch (case_val) { /***tagex:data*/ case /**\nCase: *//**/1/**/: return /** Time: *//**/beta(450, 1100, 1.5, 5, getstream(current))/**/; case /**\nCase: *//**/2/**/: return /** Time: *//**/beta(360, 880, 1.5, 5, getstream(current))/**/;/***//**/ /**/ default: return /** \nDefault Time: *//***tag:default*//**/beta(0, 35, 2, 5, getstream(current))/**/; } /** \nNote: Case values must be positive integers. Additional cases may be added as needed. Use Format:\ncase 1: return 10;*/ return 0;