
Zach avatar image
Zach asked Jason Lightfoot edited

FlexSim to SCADA connection

Does anyone have any insights on whether it's possible to connect a FlexSim simulation to an external SCADA system?


- I would like to use Ignition SCADA (from Inductive Automation) to start the simulation and display outputs in a Graphical User Interface.

FlexSim 23.0.10
custom guiremote controlscada
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

From the website we can see that Ignition is "built on" SQL, Python, MQTT and OPC UA (links to FlexSim pages for each).

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Maurizio Giubilato avatar image
Maurizio Giubilato answered

MQTT connection will be released in FlexSim 2024.0 Emulation

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