I want to build the automatic carparking from picture i divided 1st floor at 2 zone.
And have Entry and Exit at Elevator.
I create group of parking slot (Floor) for each zone and assigned each group to a list. (Zone1 to Floor1_1 and Zone2 to Floor1_2)
And push to list of Car_IN at Queue2 and Queue3 (Entry) by partition ID of each Entry to each zone.
And push to list of Car_OUT at all slot of each zone by partition like the car in.
This is my logic it has logic of "create car", "Car_OUT" and "Car_IN" it work with list.
At Out logic It can find slot and car, And it can working.
But at In login look like it can not find the slot to move the car for parking.
My model are attached.
Thank You. Very much.