
Jess avatar image
Jess asked Jess commented

The Flow item needs to be loaded and then destroyed when the list is replenished

Resin Consumption.fsm
Trying to simulate resin consumption and replenishment using the process flow with a 3d model attached.
I need the Operator to pick up a box from Queue4 at the same time they would pick up the new resin token and then destroy the flow item at the Feeder.
I need the movement in the model of an item leaving queue 4 nothing is needed in Feeder; the list feeds the processors.

FlexSim 24.1.0
simultaneousmaterial replenishmentconsumption
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Jess commented

In the attached model I push the boxes to the "Refill" partition of the resin list when they enter Queue4. The refill token can then pull a box from the list when needed. This gets you a reference to the item on a token label, so you can travel to, load and unload the item.

You can save a lot of time by adding the processors to group. The Event-Triggered Source can then listen for entry events of the entire group and assign a reference to the processor that received an item in the "Event Object" field. This allows you to reuse the same flow for all three processors.


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Jess avatar image Jess commented ·

This is exactly what I needed. Thank you.

Adding groups is something I haven't taken much advantage of but will need to look into.

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