
Sebastien avatar image
Sebastien asked Sebastien commented

Elevate flowitem on conveyor to not be affected by the conveyor's speed


I am trying to build a two-way conveyor so that a box coming from one end of the conveyor stops at a station in the middle of the conveyor.

When a Box comes from the other end of the conveyor, the Box at the station should be lifted up to let the other one go below.

Instead, in the attached model, when the Box coming from the right goes left, the Box at the station also goes left, instead of staying lifted up. I guess the location property is ony graphic.

Is there a way to lift the box on a conveyor and not be affected by the speed of the conveyor below ?


FlexSim 23.0.15
elevatebox-1.fsm (46.8 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered Sebastien commented

Hi Sebastian,

as long as boxes are physically in the conveyor object, they follow its speed. You will have to move it into another object, maybe a queue on top of the conveyor, to allow another box to pass underneath.

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Sebastien avatar image Sebastien commented ·
Thank you @Ralf Gruber ,

I was hoping there might be a solution by keeping the flowitem on the conveyor.

I will use another object.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Sebastien commented ·

You can also just move the item into the model, but either way you should probably wait until the station process finish event has fired and put the item back using an entry transfer.


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elevatebox-1-jl.fsm (50.4 KiB)
Sebastien avatar image Sebastien Sebastien commented ·

Thank you @Jason Lightfoot for your insight! I did not know this approach with moving object to the model and using kinematics.

In my case I don't have to worry about the station processas it is always over when another tries to cross.

I used an elevator that picked up the box and unload it in a processor that puts the box back on the conveyor.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Sebastien commented ·
Okay - as long as it's stopped when you remove it or it leaves via an exit transfer and re-enters by an entry transfer you should be find.
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