
René ID avatar image
René ID asked René ID commented

Simulate operators working at conveyor


I trying to simulate a line with 4 operators packaging products, the products are transported by a conveyor then the operators pack the products one by one(35 seconds to pack 24 units per box) , at the end of the line we have a palletizer guy arraging the pallets.

Do you some idea how can I simulate this process?


FlexSim 20.1.0
flexsim 20.1.0using conveyors as a processor
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered René ID commented

It exists a 3D Station object. It is placed on a conveyor like a decision point.

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René ID avatar image René ID commented ·

Thanks Jörg. Is there some video explaning how to use it? I am just getting start my training with Flexsim. Thanks for your help @Jörg Vogel

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