
Amit Kulkarni avatar image
Amit Kulkarni asked Amit Kulkarni commented

Release items in queue when max content is reached

How do I release all the items from a queue to sink when its max content is reached? This answer explains how to write a user event function to release items at a certain time. I want to learn how to use the triggers on the queue to control this functionality. Any suggestions?

FlexSim 20.2.3
flexsim 20.2.3max contentqueue release
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Amit Kulkarni commented

Set the queue's sendtoport to output to 1 only, but connect the sink on output 2 and then put this in the queue's entry trigger:

if (current.subnodes.length==current.getVariable("maxcontent")) {
    while (content(current))

The realease command bypasses the sendtoport trigger when you pass in a port number as we do here.

Example attached.


releasewhenfull.fsm (26.8 KiB)
· 1
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Amit Kulkarni avatar image Amit Kulkarni commented ·

Thank you like always! :)

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