
Milan U3 avatar image
Milan U3 suggested Jason Lightfoot edited

"Step back feature" and "Moving objects with arrows"

Hello, I would like to share 2 ideas with You:

Idea_1: "Step back" feature (not the same as "CTRL+Z")

- there could be possible to move on the simulation timeline back (just like "Step" button, but reverse)

Idea_2: Moving objects using keyboard arrows

- there could be possible to move objects also using keyboard arrows to place objects quicker

If these features are already available, somebody else has already suggested them or these features are not beneficial, please, just ignore this message :)

Thanks, all the best!flexsim-ideas.png

objects movingtimeline
flexsim-ideas.png (92.5 KiB)
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Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 commented Jason Lightfoot edited

I believe the "step back feature" is going to be super handy and can save a lot of time for those longer model runs. I was actually thinking about suggesting it myself, but it looks like you beat me to it with the idea!

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

If you want to see what happened in the past - record video so that you can rewind it (ideally with the event time and event list open) and log the events using the event logger (in case the video frame rate missed some).

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Maryam H2 avatar image Maryam H2 Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

@Jason Lightfoot The issue with recording a video for the event log is that when you want to debug something at a specific moment, say at minute t1 (for example, at minute 10,000), you have to implement and run the simulation from the beginning, starting at time 0, up to time t1. There's no option to make a change and step back to a point like t1-10 and then continue from there. Debugging the model using the event log & video recording doesn't provide this flexibility, and you're required to start over from time 0.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Maryam H2 commented ·

This is precisely the technique you need to employ to best see and understand the events and which one you need to run to. It's almost certainly never going to be possible to step back so you need a strategy to make best use of the forward runs as I've outlined.

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Milan U3 avatar image
Milan U3 commented

Thanks @Jason Lightfoot and @Maryam H2 for discussion. I discussed this topic last month also with Flexsim expert Dawid Dabal from InterMaruim Poland and he explained me, that the simulation is running like program and unfortunately, that´s the reason why it is probably not possible to use simple step back function.

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