
Nicolas Mbz avatar image
Nicolas Mbz asked Nicolas Mbz commented

How to get the value of an array in a statistic collector ?

I would like to get the the value of a label named "Trajectoire" in a stats collector.


The column is set :


the table :


the value of the label is defined when the event of SC fires. But nothing in the column "Trajectoire", why ? Thanks in advance

FlexSim 22.1.0
statistic collectorarray
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Nicolas Mbz commented

An array is not a valid data type for a statistics collector column.


You could display the contents of the array as a single string by adding them together The code below would show them with " | " as a separator between the array entries.

Array trajecArr = data.token.Trajectoire;
if(trajecArr.length > 0) {
    string trajecStr = trajecArr[1];
    for(int i = 2; i <= trajecArr.length; i++) {
        trajecStr += " | " + trajecArr[i];
    return trajecStr;
return "";



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Nicolas Mbz avatar image Nicolas Mbz commented ·
perfect thanks :)
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