
kevin123 avatar image
kevin123 asked kevin123 commented

use task sequence sub flow option in the pick operator picklist question

I have a question to ask about the "use task sequence sub flow" option in the pick operator picklist:

  1. 1. Does the "use task sequence sub flow" option in the pick operator picklist create a token in the subflow and start running it when the processor calls the operator?

  2. 2. Is the "use task sequence sub flow" option in the pick operator menu synchronized with the order of processing operations, or does processing operations occur first?

FlexSim 18.1.2
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered kevin123 commented

1: Yes, for a sub process flow sheet

2: depends more on the rank of nodes in model tree and event list entry.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
2. Processing occurs first, then process finished event, then sendtoport, then transportdispatcher is triggered which will fire your subflow.
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kevin123 avatar image kevin123 Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Sorry. I have one more question. I would like to verify the order of events if both "process time" and "send to port" picklists are set to use sub-flow. What is the overall order of events for the processor in this case?

1. Item comes in, then OnEntry, then pick operator, then setup time, then OnSetupFinish, then pick operator triggers subflow, then process time, then OnProcessFinish, then pick operator triggers subflow again, then send to port, then onExit, item leaves.

2. Item comes in, then OnEntry, then setup time, then pick operator, then OnSetupFinish, then process time, then pick operator triggers subflow, then OnProcessFinish, then send to port, then pick operator triggers subflow again, then onExit, item leaves.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ kevin123 commented ·
No different - the sequence is the same.
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