
Ryusuke T avatar image
Ryusuke T asked Ryusuke T commented

Use cases for pass-through parameters

Below is an explanation of model parameter table pass-through, but I don't understand how to use it.

Model Parameters (

Please tell me a use case.

Thank you.

FlexSim 24.0.0
model parameters tablepass through
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Ryusuke T commented

The main use case is that some users prefer using their own Global Table instead of an official Parameter Table. A Parameter Table is very strict: each row is one parameter, and the columns only deal with Parameter attributes. If a user prefers a different format (perhaps one with multiple parameter values in the same row) they can use pass-through parameters to link a model parameter to a global table value. The model can still find the set of parameters, but the user can edit them through the Global Table, since the Global Table "owns" the value, not the parameter table.

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Ryusuke T avatar image Ryusuke T commented ·

Thank you for your answer.

I understand the use case.

I understand that when the value of the referenced global table changes, the value of the parameter table also changes, which is why it cannot be used by the optimizer.

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