
MarcPost avatar image
MarcPost asked MarcPost commented

Close port with dashboard button, and link buttons to process flow decision

Hi all,

I would like to know if it is possible to carry out the following problem:

Items will arrive at a common point from which they have three possible destinations (production lines). Only two of the production lines can work simultaneously, this is decided by the production manager, it is therefore a human decision.

On the other hand, we have two sizes of items ( big and small), line 1 always works small items and line 3 always works big items, but line 2 will vary depending on what other line is working.

My idea is to add three buttons on the dashboard to select the configuration (closing one of the lines), and then move the items through process flow to the corresponding line (following the conveyors route), which will change depending on the configuration chosen.

I don't know what code I should add to the buttons to close the ports or disable somehow the chosen line. Neither how to focus the process flow to vary the destination, nor what would happen if no configuration is chosen.

Any help or feedback will be welcome,

Thank you very much!

Choose route with dashb.button and PF.fsm

Choose One
process flowcloseinputbutton
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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered MarcPost commented

@MarcPost I think I would make the code close the input port to the very first object in that line. You can use 3D logic (with ports) to get the objects started in each of the 3 respective paths like you already have. You can send them to their respective paths using an onArrival trigger in DP1.

Alternatively, you could have the button change some boolean global variable, and have all the code in the onArrival trigger of DP1, so if the boolean is true, sent the flow items to one place, and if it is false then send the flow items to another.

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MarcPost avatar image MarcPost commented ·

Thanks for the answer, you gave me the idea to finally solve it through excel formula and GlobalTable label call, all in the 3D logic. So its done!

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