
Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr suggested Arun Kr edited

Digital Twin Topic in User Manual

Hi FlexSimmers,

The digital twin is a common topic that is discussed in the world of simulation . Often people get confused about the definition of a digital twin. And it's because the digital twin has been given different definitions by the users. I have seen some users define the simulation model itself as a digital twin an emulation visualization model as a digital twin etc.

Given there are multiple definitions of digital twins existing, I would like to request FlexSim include the topic of "Digital Twin Using FlexSim and its Applications" with a detailed explanation in the user manual. The document shall not just be focusing on the digital twin definition, it should also focus on how a digital twin can be realized, which tools in Flexsim can be used in realizing a digital twin, and the approaches to be adopted.

I believe it will be great educational info for the users also.


Arun KR

digital twin
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel commented Arun Kr edited

@Arun Kr, it is more than 15 years an actual topic. There are often three stages:

  • before a physical plant exists,
  • while a physical plant gets into existence and
  • while a physical plant produce products.

At each stage you can implement all controlling levels of a real plant into a model. And you can use them to test scenarios of failures, regular production, maximum output.

What benefit has a discussion about definitions, I don’t see it? Any user must decide how a model should look like. I have seen different models by now. Some have been presented by FlexSim‘s press releases of blog and website. Other I discussed at fairs of HANNOVER MESSE with simulation program manufacturers. I saw different features like implementing costs, energy consumption, photo realistic visual output. But at the end a user has to build a model. And what really counts is how you can realize a project with least obstacles occurring. And FlexSim has got still lesser obstacles than others on the market.

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Arun Kr avatar image Arun Kr commented ·

Thanks for the reply. You are right that the topic is not a new one. Maybe I have not added all the aspects in my mind. Along with the definitions, how a digital twin can be realized, what are the tools to be used in realizing a digital twin, and what are the approaches to be adopted. This will give an overall idea about a digital twin to the user.

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