
Owen_liaw H avatar image
Owen_liaw H asked Owen_liaw H commented

Combine and separate two different color box




hi, I don't know how to the combine the two different color box (brown [1] and black[2]) (different length) to one box (they are attached together become more longer)(length 1 + length 2) such as the figure above 1, the drawing (black and red). After that, the separator to two conveyor, it still cannot work... could someone help me?

FlexSim 19.0.0
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
Please Update to an actual supported Version. Thanks!
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Owen_liaw H avatar image Owen_liaw H Joerg Vogel commented ·
u mean update to newest version, sir?

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Owen_liaw H avatar image Owen_liaw H commented ·
someone pls help me

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David Chan avatar image David Chan Owen_liaw H commented ·
Please update your version to latest. We are aware that you are NOT using a legal version to ask question at this platform. Please note of the legal impact toward you

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Owen_liaw H avatar image Owen_liaw H David Chan commented ·
yea, because i used my friend laptop to do this work.. Sorry, i will go install actual version

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Owen_liaw H commented

It is a matter of position. A packed item consists of a Container and packed items in it as subnodes items. You need to adjust the subnode item location in a trigger like Prozessfinish. location=Vec3(1,2,3);

Where 1,2,3 are values for x,y,z in relation to item. You will try different values to meet your requirements.

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Owen_liaw H avatar image Owen_liaw H commented ·

Sir, im sorry, i still not understand what sir mean about the subnodes items... Then, i just add the code to the triggers on the subnodes items?

There are two sources produce different length of the box then attach together in vertical direction


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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Owen_liaw H commented ·

The suggestion is that you change the combiner from 'batch' to 'pack' which will result in one flowitem leaving that contains the other. Jorg is suggesting that you position the 'packed' item so that it looks like it is joined to the other item (using a combiner trigger or using a flowitem packing method).

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Owen_liaw H avatar image Owen_liaw H Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

i try to change the batch to pack and used combiner trigger (process finish) for code, but still not work...

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Owen_liaw H avatar image Owen_liaw H commented ·
Sir, can u do one more example for me by using this code

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